Event to consider on Distribution:
This interactive Forum to be held July 15, 2009 at the Harvard Club in Boston will be an intimate gathering for industry veterans to share observations and questions, and to learn from SI’s cutting-edge new research, and thought leaders. Executives already registered to the SI Forum include, among others: heads of distribution, marketing, and research, as well as CEOs, representing both large and small firms.
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Strategic Insight has gathered in-house and outside experts to lead an unprecedented half-day, interactive conference on mutual fund distribution.
The SI Forum will feature short formal presentations followed by lengthy roundtable discussions on the general topics of those presentations – today’s hottest topics in fund distribution, including opportunities in the DCIO marketplace and how to reach RIAs.
The roundtables will be led by presenters from Strategic Insight, Coates Analytics, Sincere & Co., Sway Research and Cogent Research. These discussions will be interactive, so come prepared with questions for our thought leaders and for your fellow mutual fund executives – we expect attendees to share their approaches, stories and challenges, and answer questions from the presenters.
SI’s Avi Nachmany will provide a lunchtime update on key industry trends.
The event lasts from 11:00 am to 4:30 pm., with a sit-down lunch and coffee breaks. Cost: $500 per person; only $400 per person if your firm sends three or more people.
Questions to be addressed in presentations/discussions include:
-How can fund firms do a better job segmenting financial advisors?
-Which investment styles have been growing the fastest at national broker dealers?
-What are the opportunities and challenges of working within the independent RIA marketplace?
-How has the crash altered the landscape of DC plan investment menus and where are new opportunities?
-Which brand elements must firms enhance in order to drive future loyalty and purchase intent?
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