October 4, 2012

Advisors, Emails and the Delete Button

Mary Anne Doggett
More good information from Interactive Investment's Mary Anne Doggett about delivering emails so they don't get deleted. Lessons are for wholesalers but apply to all of us.

What’s one of the most powerful skills today’s internal wholesalers should have? The ability to craft emails that get read. If you don’t beat the clock (on average 2.7 seconds of attention time) you end up in the delete bin. So as your internals dash off emails today, be warned that likelihood of getting a reply is directly related to the time and thought that goes into making these emails different from the other 150+ that come in. Despite this reality, very few firms guide their wholesalers in ways to increase their email open rate and even worse, recognize that the prep time required has a far greater payback than ‘making their dials’ or using the telltale templates. Read more.

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