February 24, 2014

Using technology for more productive business trips

Seuk Kim
With spring approaching, many advisors and management companies are launching into their 2014 conference schedules. We’re no different, and this week SunStar Strategic’s Seuk Kim will be attending the MFEA Digital Technology Summit in Denver, CO. Seuk travels frequently throughout the year, both for media tours and conferences, and he’s developed an arsenal of apps and technology to maximize his effectiveness while on the road. Next time you take a business trip, give one of these tricks of the trade a try and see if it makes travelling a more enjoyable experience.

Powerbanks – There’s nothing worse than watching the battery life of your smartphone or tablet drain away just as you need it most. Unfortunately, though, GPS, 3 and 4G capabilities, and even your device’s backlight all suck battery power throughout the day. Tuck a powerbank in your bag, though, and you’ll be much less likely to be caught without battery power. Powerbanks are portable, rechargeable batteries that connect to your phone, reviving the battery just when you need it the most. The powebank can be recharged from a wall socket or your laptop, depending upon the model. They come in different sizes, shapes and capacities so be sure to match your powerbank to the battery and device you’ll be using it with.

TripIt – We’ve all been there: standing by a boarding gate, fumbling through hotel and car reservations, not to mention conference materials, while we try to find our boarding card. TripIt simplifies your entire travel experience by organizing all of your travel documents and itinerary on your mobile device. All you have to do is present your phone or tablet at the boarding gate where a QR code with all of your flight details will be scanned. Several airlines have produced apps that eliminate the need for paper boarding cards, but TripIt one ups them all by creating a timeline of your travel itineraries and even integrating google maps to direct you to the airport, hotel and off-site rental car locations. If you upgrade to the Pro Version, TripIt will also allow you to check-in to flights and hotel and receive updates on your flight status while on the go.

Refresh – Refresh’s tagline “Know the people you meet” describes it well. This app integrates with your Outlook calendar as well as social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and then combines the two to gather information about the people you are meeting with. If your 3:00 appointment has been posting about their new product on LinkedIn or taking part in a discussion of marketing tactics on Twitter, you’ll know about it. Refresh is a great resource to strengthen your professional bonds and even develop pitches personalized to the people you’re already meeting.

Yelp – An oldie but a goodie, Yelp provides great recommendations for restaurants, bars and cafes. ProTip: be sure to look for places with more than 20 ratings as the first 10 tend to be overly favorable ratings from friends and families.

PenUltimate – If you’re already using Evernote, you should consider adding PenUltimate—the handwriting app that fully integrates with Evernote. You can use your finger or a stylus to write on your tablet and sync those notes directly to your Evernote account.   

A Pen/Stylus combination, allows you the freedom to swap between paper and digital platforms with ease. The stylus allows you to write on your tablet with greater accuracy than is achievable with a finger, keeping your notes clear and legible. It’s also handy to have around if you like to keep your mobile device screens clean as the stylus won’t leave a fingerprint when you click on icons. If you’re attending the MFEA Digital Technology Summit, come see Seuk—he’ll have some of these on hand to give away!

Seuk’s final tip: Try using your phone’s built-in camera in creative ways. When I park my car at the airport or train station, I take a picture of it with the parking space or location to remind me where I park when I return.


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